"Cyber Lover" explores the evolving relationship between humans and artificial intelligence (AI), focusing on how AI can replicate or replace human emotional connections. In an era where AI technologies such as neural networks and natural language processing (NLP) can mimic human emotions, this project delves into the implications of using AI as a substitute for human intimacy and affection. By creating an AI-driven virtual persona modeled after the artist's own facial and chat history data, the project simulates a dating experience, allowing participants to interact with this digital entity. Through this, "Cyber Lover" raises questions about authenticity, emotional dependency, and the future of human relationships in the digital age.

This exploration raises critical questions about the nature of emotional authenticity and the boundaries between human and machine interactions. With AI increasingly integrated into daily life, from virtual companions like Replika to therapeutic robots used for emotional support, the project challenges whether these interactions can substitute genuine human relationships. Moreover, it examines the ethical concerns of emotional manipulation, dependency, and the potential reshaping of intimacy in a world where AI can mimic and potentially enhance emotional responses. "Cyber Lover" serves as both a speculative inquiry and a reflection on the future of relationships in an increasingly digitalized society.

2024 AI Art Season for University Students Finalist

Upcoming Exhibition:2025 at CICA Museum, South Korea 🇰🇷